Performance by Suzanne Walsh

LAZARUS LINGUA is a recitation of the Latin names of extinct animals from 4000 BC to present day, using some changes in pronunciation from when Latin was a living language. The names recited are drawn from biological taxonomy, systems and descriptions of species that have been devised by humans. LAZARUS LINGUA is also an invocation of the dead, in particular those species now extinct. At times these utterances move beyond language, into calls, vocalisations that dissolve human categorisations into something that makes us aware of our own animal nature, as well as querying the order we place on others. This work was first developed as part of ‘An Urgent Enquiry’ with Fingal Arts Office, and was first performed in Garrett Phelan’s Hide Project in 2018.

Photography - Leanne Sullivan. Performer & Artist - Suzanne Walsh. Costume - Amie Egan & Abbey Costume Hire. Festival - Disrupt Disability Arts Festival. Location - Project Arts Centre.